
Gongjing Tianchi Temple


Temple is located in Zigong City Tianchi Gongjing leaves town Zhu Lincun District, Temple and Duke are well renowned sites, sihou one day pit of the stomach Hill, Temple left a Jianfengling mountain, winding Siyou for the Cloud. Towards the monastery built in the Ming Hongwu years have elapsed since the six hundred years of history.
Heavenly Lake Temple for a large pool, named Heavenly Lake Temple. Heavenly Lake Temple built around ten feet high, more than three feet wide, stone walls, visitors pass a wall, you can enjoy the scenery Gongjing region. Temple has a hundred Ficus virens, shade cover, the benefits of increased quiet and quaint atmosphere, Temple Neisong Bai, Huai Liu Chenglin, there is a proud Murakami, spring wither and die in the winter greenery, visitors amazed.
Heavenly Lake Temple main hall for the Main Hall, the center dedicated to Sakyamuni Buddha, the Buddha points on both sides. Eight kilos bronze bell and drum grow five feet, two large dragon wrapped column. Main Hall is permitted behind the eighteen Lohans, Guanyin, Samantabhadra, Bodhisattva Manjusri dozens.
Main Hall on the left is the Pure Yang Hall, then the right is the Goddess of Mercy Church. Guanyin Hall after three palace, the three palace upstairs is Canon House. Main Hall of the right is the White Horse Temple, and Pure Yang Hall distant relative. Right corner of the Main Hall is the abbot, the monk deacon Buddhist temple, elegant chic, silent. Buddhist temple courtyard surrounded by fragrant flowers, Yi Cao Tucui. Main Hall, Shun Yeung Temple, between the white house with a pool, water green, crystal clear, the red lotus pool floating is a Buddhist lay of the land released. Main Hall right corner there are two pools, a red and white bicolor flowers, formerly known as: lotus blooming, Three Pools Mirroring the Moon.

