
Zhang Tangjiatuo salt site

Zhang Tangjiatuo salt site

Wikipedia card

Zhang Tangjiatuo salt site
Zigong fuxi in the south bank of the rich under the sheets Tangjiatuo Taishan Zigong fuxi site is located south bank of salt, rich in Taishan, the city of Zigong is to revive the area also retain the residential buildings, while simultaneously because of a repair there are three shrines known. (Chuan Feng Temple / River main temple / fire temples)
About Zigong fire temples
The nature of fire temples
Sichuan Zigong back to the main temple Long Course Introduction
  1. Location
  2. Unique
  3. Rationally
  4. Magnificent building
  5. Elegant holy
To be developed

About Zigong fire temples

Fire temples Description: Yan Gong, also known by the burning of Zigong salt salt workers launched two years in the dynasty (1842) construction. In addition to plead for Buddha worship, but also play a coordinating and handling disputes between workers and between the affairs of the role of peers. Its architectural style is carrying beam two-story wooden structure, integration of the gateway and the stage, holding both sides of the stage floor, surrounded by men and women in the sub-blocks when acting, half and half, across the courtyard is the main hall, main hall of honors Emperor - Emperor Shen Nong, and related statues of saints, it also banned the opera here in order to avoid Xi Xi Guan Gong, the God of disrespect. The statue here is also different, especially stress, other places are mostly statues made of clay or stone, but here is the carved wooden statue. Today the main hall has been destroyed, leaving the films were shown to vegetable, followed by the foothills, there are Zashu flowers, leaving a city in a rare scene.

The nature of fire temples

House fire temples are burning salt workers, gang organization, they had with the artesian well in the Daoguang most powerful Xiqin kitchen main groups - to help eight No. Shaanxi legal battle to safeguard the vital interests of the workers of salt burn. The ups and downs in the past century, the Emperor Temple seems there have been many events, the interests of most of its struggle for the gang. Cents and the early years of the swap Guangxu household stoves court; Early Years wage increase for each pot and the stove hundred text strikes Chamber of Commerce; in the Sino-Japanese War in 1939 when the total salt workers strike against Zhuazhuang Ding; were laid off in 1941 for workers severance pay, to attack the KMT party headquarters city, salt workers come to life and blood "to the various types of salt workers severance financing methods"; November 1949 on behalf of the Emperor Palace of salt workers held a meeting to mobilize to defend salt salt workers meet the liberated.

Sichuan Zigong back to the main temple Long Course Introduction


Long Field is located in Daan District back Huilong. The field surrounded by mountains and water around the tortuous shape if You Long. According to historical introduction, the field a lot of old buildings, the main temple is a temple of a four-house, the Tin Hau Temple, South Temple, Yu palace, Longevity Palace, the Sichuan side of the main temple and the temple. Among them, the main temple's premier Sichuan, the temple serves as the leader in southern Sichuan.


Accompanied by a friend introduced reporters: "The main temple was built in dynasty, Sichuan fifteen years, sitting north to south, covering two acres and a half, Temple thunder mountain, the spring, pink Liulv, Shanhua shiny, compete with the bright sun Yan, is a natural barrier, the main temple for the preparation of Sichuan attractions. " Just enter the temple area, to see a tall cross in front of the stone Tikan. Stone steps is also very well preserved, but covered with moss, can be seen a long time ago nobody cares.


River in front of the main temple, the old, poor protection, have not spectacular and glorious past, but the momentum of the classical temple also "charm still exist." Everywhere you looked, the main temple's main hall front of Sichuan, the stage and the penthouse is still, the building is some momentum building materials is very particular about. Especially around the temple walls are about 1 foot wide, 6-inch green-brick structure is distinctive, brick burning and India's "River main temple" in the name still clearly visible. Columns are used in temple construction Phoebe, the main hall yellow glazed tiles, glazed tile stage is a gray, dripping tiles to "swallow a mouth like" design, stage design hall of science, rational layout, style, the essence of ancient Chinese architecture together with a full national characteristics, Yang infinite wisdom and power of working people.

Magnificent building

According to friend introduced the main temple gate of Sichuan, towards the thunder mountain, there is no way the door. Mean is usually open infrequently, and only the temple was opened, carried out in Hong Chuan Lord Buddha. "Right there in front of a thousand Ficus virens, stems and large strange-shaped symbol of the dragon back to the prosperous market.
"At that time, the appearance of a magnificent temple, Hanbaoyufang lotus bud, ding leg, towering side, yellow glazed tiles glowing golden in the sun. Four long iron rough around, practicing self-ding down from the eaves on the King grabbed the four, despite the wind and rain, steady as a rock, impregnable, two long plastic grab treasure flower color magnetic pressure ridge, gable on both sides of the shape of niche headgear, do not have charm. phoenix painted on the wall describe the dragon, the characters battle, inscriptions inscription, very wonderful, very enjoyable, throughout the entire building, Qiaojiao cornices, talent, really amazing yo. "

Elegant holy

Prior to the main hall, a friend said: "In the main hall of the Central, Sichuan Lord Buddha, God whistled across the sky beside the dog, left and right side are the Lord Lao Zi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtianjiaozhu Buddha. The statues to life. Hall before the set big bell, big drums, devout believers, people who believed in Buddhism, is the pursuit of happiness, love life, to come to incense, divination, drawing lots, divination, fortune and third high school and other demands peace. this time, the monk ominous ring the bell , donor after another, there is no noise sound, the hall looked solemn, quiet, holy, I saw fog of incense smoke, candlelight shining.

To be developed

King moved over time, years of baptism, in front of the main temple is not the year of Sichuan style, the temple deserted ghost towns, moss-stained stone floor. In addition to several tenants living there, some popular, but has no visitors to get involved. Farewell River main temple, the aftertaste that rhyme surviving temples, quite touched, if the parties concerned and other investment, will be restored to the main temple Sichuan tourism, it should be said to be a good spot rare.

