
Ming cellar

Ming cellar

Wuliangye Distillery Liquor existing fermentation Ming subterranean pit (the cellar), located in plant city plant "Shun word" and "Dongfeng Group Numbers". "Soon word" workshop, in Yibin City, 70 Changchun Street, is the original "Icheon Wing" worse Square site. Existing pit 27, according to Southwest - Northeast to points left, and right arrangement of three lines, which for the column (northwest) section 7.8.9 the number of three pits along the Ming Dynasty wine cellar, cellar No. 21,22,23. According to the investigation of this three pits the original "Icheon Wing," the former, a self-evident first of the "Wende Feng" worse Square. The prototype was fighting shape, and the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, "Zhang and the", "Ye Desheng," Workshop of the open rectangular bad pit is different. The data of combination of ancestral history and the "grains wine" (1929 renamed Wuliangye) recipe Dichuan case research, the three pits when the age limit no later than the early Ming Dynasty.
Wuliangye formation went through a long process, from the Qin and Han trail of "butter," Tang "heavy Bi wine", Song "Lychee Green", "Yao Zi Snow song," Ming Dynasty "grains wine", until 1909 the official named after a 3000-year history of brewing Divine God the bouquet. According to the National Heritage department to appraise the oldest business address of the early Ming pit pits, dating back over 600 years of history. In recent years, enterprises have continuously developed the Wu Liang Chun, Wu Liang God, five brewing alcohol, liquid lakes, Beijing, wine, toast, hot, oriental dragon, holy wine, but each music, universal spring, life should be fluid, Asia liquid, wine, Wang Chuan, Wang Ying whiskey, vodka Asia, such as different grades and different tastes, different packaging, different product specifications to meet the different regions, different consumer needs.

